Trevor Wong(台灣) 的探戈 DJ 旅程開啟於探戈音樂在台灣最火紅的時期,在他做為 DJ 的 8 年間,他也時常受邀至許多國際間的探戈節等活動,足跡踏遍台北、台中、東京、大阪、香港、北京等大城。Trevor 是台北探戈教室 Corazón 的首席 DJ 之一,也時常到台北各大舞會當中 DJ,並受邀至台灣各探戈社群當中教授探戈音樂相關課程。 古典音樂與爵士音樂在 25 年以來是 Trevor 的愛好音樂,這也讓他對於音樂非常的敏感且敏銳。他總是細心安排他的音樂,在舞會當中不斷堆疊熱烈的氣氛,以至舞會的高潮戲,並給大家盡興的舞場。
Trevor Wong In past eight years, Trevor has been invited to festivals or activities as guest DJ in Tokyo, Beijing, Osaka, Hong Kong, Taipei and Taichung. He is not only house DJ of Corazón Studio, Taipei, but is also regularly DJing in other milongas in Taipei. He has also been constantly invited to teach in tango musical seminars in Taiwan. Trevor is a fan of classical music and jazz for over twenty-five years, and it makes him very sensitive about music. He arranges his set that carries the dances through to the end of the milonga cranking the tension higher and higher and finish the milonga elated. |